Collections Management


We collect and preserve photographs, documents, recorded works (in any format) and artefacts relating to Norfolk Wherries and provide access to them via our online archive.

We also provide access to third party material where we have permission to do so.


  • What We Collect
    • Anything related to Norfolk Trading & Pleasure Wherries, Norfolk Keels, Wherry Yachts and their operating environments.
    • We collect original documents, photographs, books, publications and objects.
    • With permission we collect digital copies of third party documents and photographs.
    • We collect digital images.
  • Geographical Area
    • Primarily East Anglia
  • What we do not Collect
    • Unrelated Broadland history


Norfolk Wherry Trust does not have the facility to physically display their collection.

Online access is possible to the complete public collection via this website ( or via links from the Norfolk Wherry Trust’s main website (

In special circumstances access to the originals may be possible by arrangement.

We do not lend out original material.

You may contact us via our website menus.


Some of the collection is stored with Norfolk County Record Office and some at the homes of designated officials of the Trust. Individual photographs and documents are filed in acid free wallets. A few objects are on display at our base in Horsefen Road, Ludham. This is not open to the public but is accessible to Charterers of Albion and Norfolk Wherry Trust Volunteers. Visits may be made on request.